Letting Things Go – My Max Ehrmann Moment

Sometimes in life, you’ve just got to move on. It takes an inner strength and resilience towards things that you don’t like, even if they’re subtle. If something is making you uncomfortable over and over again, it may be the case that something in your life is fundamentally wrong and it’s time to let go.

It may take patience and time to heal from these moves. It may leave you in a land full of shadows and doubts, but it’s imperative to realize the land you now feel lost in is very akin to the land you just left. Perhaps it is now a matter of adventure and maturing through a place you were headed anyways.

People make choices in life and you cannot rule them. You cannot control them nor should you. Life is not about controlling life. If the will of things feels wrong to you, then you should move to those things that will not feel as strange.

You should not blame others for their will. They have a life full of dreams and aspirations. They want their destiny just as much as you want yours. And although it may be saddening to realize your wants are not the same anymore, you should rely on the fact that the universe is unfolding as it should. Life takes turns and you may not have the choice you want, but you still have other choices to live by.

Life can be hard on you. It can be demanding at times when you want anything but challenge. But it is through these hardships that you grow. The ability to accept these tribulations is fundamental to being healthy with yourself. And although these challenges may feel heavy, you will become stronger from the exercise.

I am sorry for anyone who ever passes here. But I can assure you, with the minimum amount of self support, caring, and diligence towards listening to your own destiny, you will find sunshine and a beach somewhere ahead. Take time to enjoy the landscape of your life as you travel forward, and do not forget where you came from, or how you get to where you’re going.

You are strong. Love yourself, and love your journey. In the end, it may not just be the places you’ve lived, but the roads in between that you cherish the most.


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